
Asking The Right Question

Henry George’s central insight is remarkable in the way that other breakthroughs in thought are remarkable, and maybe more so.  His insight? Poverty persists and deepens as civilizations advance in their ability to produce wealth because land then increases in value; where land is allowed… Read More »Asking The Right Question

No Brainer

There’s a lot to love about RSF, but the thing I appreciate most is its fundamental autonomy.  Having spent most of my career with much larger organizations, many of which were baked into almost inconceivably large matrices of federal and state grants and regulations, or… Read More »No Brainer

Municipal Land Trusts

Inspired by a proposal in Martin Adam’s book, “Land: A New Paradigm for a Thriving World”, the Minnesota chapter of Common Ground USA partnered with the Center for Urban and Regional Affairs (CURA) to explore the feasibility of starting a Municipal Land Trust (MLT) in… Read More »Municipal Land Trusts