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Quarter 1 Newsletter

Dear Friends,

The start of 2025 has been a whirlwind.  Close to home, our organization has begun its centennial year by embracing a new name while continuing to pursue the same mission we undertook in 1925.  An article about the renaming is included below, and another focused on the life and work of our original benefactor, Robert Schalkenbach, is among this quarter’s “Featured Articles.”

At the national level, the U.S. inaugurated a new President, and the newscycle has seemingly never been so full of previously unimaginable headlines.  Reactions are, understandably, mixed. For our part, the Progress and Poverty Institute will continue to carry the torch of economic equity as we always have.  

PPI will leverage our position as an independent, nonpartisan Private Operating Foundation.  We will redouble our efforts in support of fairer tax policy by providing more research, free of charge, to communities interested in understanding and implementing Land Value Taxes.  We will continue our support of climate adaptation in Puerto Rico’s Playa de Ponce Barrio and elsewhere.  We will provide scholarships to future community advocates and change makers.  We will fund research into the systems that funnel so much wealth into the hands of so few people and the ways to prevent and reverse this trend.  And we will maintain a faithful record – free to anyone and everyone – of the ideas of George and like-minded thinkers.

Every generation has lived in unprecedented times and we are no different.  George saw the inequities around him and responded; bringing millions around to his way of understanding the world and the policies needed to make it a better, fairer place.  As the Progress and Poverty Institute enters its second century, we do so energized by our mission of economic equity, a mission that could not be more timely.  

Thank you for standing with us in these unprecedented times.  As the saying goes, many hands make light work.



PPI Executive Director