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Russia unveils plan to ‘use the advantages’ of climate change

Russia has published an action plan to mitigate risks associated with present and future climate change in the country. The report also outlines “positive” effects of changes in the climate.

The Russian government has unveiled a plan to adapt the country’s economy and population to climate change.

The 17-page document was published online by Russia’s Ministry of Economic Development on Saturday, and outlines measures to mitigate the damage caused by climate change as well as to “use the advantages” of warmer temperatures. 

It acknowledges that changes in the climate have had “a prominent and increasing effect” on industry, socioeconomic development and the health and well-being of the population.

The two-year scheme covers the first phase of the country’s adaptation to climate change until 2022, with the aim to “lower the losses” of global warming.

Read moreOpinion: Russia frozen on climate change

Climate threat and opportunity

Climate change, the report says, poses a threat to public health, endangers permafrost, and heightens the likelihood of infections and natural disasters. Russia will likely see longer and more frequent droughts, extreme precipitation and flooding, increased risk of fire as well as the displacement of different species from their habitats, according to the plan.

Expected positive effects of climate change, the plan says, include the reduction of energy consumption during warm periods, shrinking levels of ice which will foster increased access to navigational opportunities in the Arctic Ocean, and expanded agricultural areas.

The plan lists 30 economic and social steps designed to minimize the vulnerability of the Russia’s population, economy and natural resources to climate change.

These measures include considerations such as the government’s calculation of the risk of Russian products becoming uncompetitive if they fail to meet new climate-related standards, and preparing new educational materials to teach climate change in schools. The list also suggests dam building and shifting to drought-resistant crops, in addition to crisis-preparation measures like offering emergency vaccinations or evacuations in case of a disaster.   

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Date 06.01.2020

Also from the Guardian Sun 5 Jan 2020

Russia announces plan to ‘use the advantages’ of climate change

Kremlin website recognises global heating as a problem but lists ‘positive’ economic effects

Russia has published a plan to adapt its economy and population to climate change, aiming to mitigate damage but also “use the advantages” of warmer temperatures.

The document, published on the government’s website on Saturday, outlines a plan of action and acknowledges changes to the climate are having a “prominent and increasing effect” on socioeconomic development, people’s lives, health and industry.

Russia is warming 2.5 times faster than the planet as a whole, on average, and the two-year “first stage” plan is an indication the government officially recognises this as a problem, even though Vladimir Putin denies human activity is the cause.

It lists preventive measures such as dam building or switching to more drought-resistant crops, as well as crisis preparations including emergency vaccinations or evacuations in case of a disaster.

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