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The Henry George Theorem

By Nicolaus Tideman “The Henry George Theorem” is the name that economists have given to the postulate that, under certain circumstances, a public service will increase land rent[1] enough that, if the increase in land rent is collected as public revenue, this revenue will sufficient… Read More »The Henry George Theorem


UPDATE: This post prompted an interview on the Real News Network. Watch the interview here. By: Rich Nymoen My kids recently started back to their high school, as did millions of other kids across the country. I’m fortunate that they attend public school in a… Read More »Segregation

RSF’s Next Chapter

By: Josie Faass With new leadership come new ideas and directions, and together with the Board of Directors, I’ve spent the first few months of my tenure as Executive Director identifying our priority areas and activities for the next three years.  Some are brand new,… Read More »RSF’s Next Chapter