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A Captive Audience

In his own words, Mike’s story of his work with inmates. After teaching the Henry George classes in Arden for about ten years, I started teaching classes in the Delaware prisons. That was 1980. I had Henry George literature at a community booth in Wilmington… Read More »A Captive Audience

The New American Homeless

Housing insecurity in the nation’s richest cities is far worse than government statistics claim. Just ask the Goodmans. By Brian Goldstone August 21, 2019 Photographs by Sheila Pree Bright for The New Republic Last August, Cokethia Goodman returned home from work to discover a typed… Read More »The New American Homeless

The New Servant Class

Photo by Alev Takil on Unsplash “Wealth work” is one of America’s fastest-growing industries. That’s not entirely a good thing. Aug 12, 2019 Derek Thompson, Staff writer at The Atlantic In an age of persistently high inequality, work in high-cost metros catering to the whims of the wealthy—grooming… Read More »The New Servant Class

Cities Start to Question an American Ideal: A House With a Yard on Every Lot

By EMILY BADGER and QUOCTRUNG BUIJUNE 18, 2019 Townhomes, duplexes and apartments are effectively banned in many neighborhoods. Now some communities regret it. Single-family zoning is practically gospel in America, embraced by homeowners and local governments to protect neighborhoods of tidy houses from denser development nearby. Residential land… Read More »Cities Start to Question an American Ideal: A House With a Yard on Every Lot


Photo by Matt Alaniz on Unsplash Shade is an environmental justice issue. The ability to step into a shadow—of a tree, building, or shelter—should be widely accessible. Shade is not just a vital refuge from the burning sun, it can also help cool surface and air… Read More »Shade