
Racism and the Land

Some say racism was invented to try to justify displacing one group of people – Native Americans – from the land and enslaving another group of people to work it. Racism may be more complicated than that, but it has been closely connected to land… Read More »Racism and the Land

Does economic shutdown allow a reset on policies to make housing affordable?

Kelly Doran, a prominent Minneapolis housing developer, argued in a recent op/ed that with the current economic shutdown, the city’s “inclusionary housing” regulations that require market rate developments to include a percentage of affordable units should be eliminated.  He says that such requirements, along with the difficulty… Read More »Does economic shutdown allow a reset on policies to make housing affordable?

The Commons

The earth is our common home. Most, if not all, people would agree with this principal statement, at least conceptually and in the abstract. But what could be a comprehensive practical implementation of this principal statement that would be of social and economic benefit to… Read More »The Commons

Housing Affordability

Imagine living in an indigenous, pre-modern and traditional community such as existed in the Amazon prior to the invasions by Brazilian miners and farmers. Would anyone in such a community be homeless? Of course not.  Any capable member of the community would be able to… Read More »Housing Affordability

Affordable Housing

by Lindy Davies It has been generally assumed, for many years, that “the free market isn’t good at providing affordable housing.” If the free market can’t satisfy that basic, universal human need, then we can’t afford to trust the free market, can we? Oddly, the… Read More »Affordable Housing