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The Works of Henry George and Notable Georgist Scholars
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Progress and Poverty
Robert Schalkenbach Foundation, 1987
This classic bestseller in political economy launched a worldwide movement for the abolition of privilege and poverty—by eliminating the root cause, land monopoly. Ever since the publication of Progress and Poverty, advocates of liberty and justice have responded to its clarion call: “To abolish all taxation save that upon land values.”
Progress and Poverty (abridged version)
Robert Schalkenbach Foundation, 2006
The classic Progress and Poverty has been edited and abridged for modern readers by Bob Drake.
The Science of Political Economy
Henry George believed that, “[O]f all the sciences, political economy is that which to civilized men of today is of most practical importance.” In his last work, George presents economic principles in a logical, encyclopedic system, encompassing concepts of wealth, ownership, value, money and semantics.
Social Problems
Doubleday & McClure Company, 1898
“The progress of civilization requires that more and more intelligence be devoted to social affairs, and this not the intelligence of the few, but that of the many. We cannot safely leave politics to politicians, or political economy to college professors. The people themselves must think, because the people alone can act.” Many readers consider this collection of essays to be the best introduction to the ideas of Henry George.
Protection or Free Trade
Doubleday & McClure Company, 1898
Henry George endeavors to determine whether protection or free trade better accords with the interests of labor, and to bring to a common conclusion on this subject those who really desire to raise wages.
A Perplexed Philosopher
A brilliant commentary on Herbert Spencer’s various writings on the land question, and his synthetic philosophy.
Condition of Labor
John W. Lovell Company, 1891
An Open Letter to Pope Leo XIII –1891
The Land Question
First published in 1881 as “The Irish Land Question”
Property in Land
A Passage-at-Arms between the Duke of Argyll and Henry George.
Online Speeches and Shorter Works by Henry George
The Causes of Business Depression
Single Tax Information Bureau
“There is but one cure for recurring business depression. There is no other. That is the single tax …”
Justice the Object - Taxation the Means
Doubleday Page & Company, 1904
Address in Metropolitan Hall, San Francisco, February 4, 1890 on way to Australia. Contained within Our Land and Land Policy.
The Land for the People
Land & Liberty, 1937
Supplement to “Land de Liberty,” August, 1937. Delivered at Toomebridge, in Ireland.
Scotland and Scotsmen
“Land Values” Publication Department, n.d.
An Address delivered on February 18, 1884 in the City Hall, Glasgow, Scotland.
Utility and Futility of Labor Strikes
Robert Schalkenbach Foundation, n.d.
From an article by Henry George, appearing in The Cleveland Recorder, September 5, 1897.
The Study of Political Economy
Doubleday Page & Company, 1904
A lecture delivered before the students of the University of California, March 9, 1877. Contained within Our Land and Land Policy.
What We Stand For
Reprinted in The Standard, October 22, 1887
A speech delivered at the 25th meeting of the Anti-Poverty Society, in the Academy of Music, New York. Reprinted in The Standard, October 22, 1887.
Crime of Poverty
The Joseph Fels Fund of America
An address delivered in the Opera House, Burlington, Iowa, April 1, 1885, under the auspices of Burlington Assembly, No. 3135, Knights of Labor, which afterwards distributed fifty thousand copies in tract form.
Land and Taxation
Doubleday Page & Company 1904
A conversation between David Dudley Field and Henry George, first published in the “North American Review”, July, 1885. Contained within Our Land and Land Policy.
Scottish Single Tax League, 1884
Delivered in St. Andrews Hall, Glasgow, Scotland.
Reprinted in The Standard, 1889
An Address by Henry George at the annual meeting of the Duchess Branch of the Universal Peace Union. Reprinted from The Standard, September 21, 1889.
The Single Tax: What it is and Why we Urge it
Robert Schalkenbach Foundation, 1996
An article published in The Christian Advocate in 1890 and thereafter reprinted in various magazines in the United States and England.
"Thou Shalt Not Steal"
Doubleday Page & Company, 1904
An address at the second public meeting of the Anti-Poverty Society, in the Academy of Music, New York, Sunday evening, May 8, 1887. Contained within Our Land and Land Policy.
"Thy Kingdom Come"
Doubleday Page & Company, 1904
A sermon delivered on Sunday, April 28, 1889, in the City Hall, Glasgow, Scotland. Contained within Our Land and Land Policy.
Foreign Language Versions of Books, Speeches, and Shorter Works by Henry George
Progreso Y Pobreza
Progress and Poverty – Spanish
Progres Et Pauvrete
Progress and Poverty – French
- PDF Document
Schutz oder Freihandel
Protection or Free Trade – German
Problemas Sociales
Social Problems – Spanish
Un Filosofo Perplejo
The Perplexed Philosopher – Spanish
El Crimen De La Miseria Por Henry George
Conferencia pronunciada en el Teatro de la Opera, de Burlington, Iowa, el 1.° de abril de 1885, bajo los auspicios de la «Burlington Assembly», núm. 3.135, Caballeros del Trabajo.
Venganos El Tu Reino by Henry George
Venganos El Tu Reino by Henry George.
Progreso Y Pobreza
Bob Drake edit
Progress and Poverty – Spanish
Progresso E Poverta
Progress and Poverty – Italian
Proteccion o Libre-Cambio
Protection or Free Trade – Spanish
Socialize Probleme
Social Problems – German
Henry George Y La Reconstruction Del Capitalismo
Dr. Robert V. Andelson
Profesor Emerito de Filosfia de la Universidad de Auburn, y Miembro Investigador Distinguido del American Institute for Economical Research
Traduccion Y Prologo Por Fernando Scornik Gerstein
- PDF Document (link coming soon)
El Impuesto Único Lo que es y por qué lo pedimos por Henry George
Un artículo publicada en “The Christian Advocate” (El Abrogado Cristiano) en 1890.